The solar modules in this system are designed and installed on the roofs of houses, rest houses, or stations of mobile networks, in remote areas where the state’s public network does not exist, and in this case it is necessary to use energy storage batteries to supply many of loads during the night period, and of course The cost of this system is larger than of PV On grid system, due to the cost of solar batteries. It is preferable in this system to use energy-saving loads, for example, using desert air conditioners as an alternative to air conditioners that operate on Freon gas, as well as using energy-saving lamps to reduce the size of the energy system The most important thing in the design of this system is to choose the quality and size of the batteries that give the highest possible economic return. It can be emphasized that in our country, Egypt, solar water-lifting systems are the most solar energy application systems that have a large economic return compared to using generators. Diesel, followed by solar energy systems connected to the country’s electrical network, followed by solar energy systems isolated from the country’s electrical network